Login to book onto one of our events

Log in

Log in to the EIC website to book onto events or update your details and mailing preferences on MyEIC, or log in to the EIC's suite of databases: EICDataStream, EICAssetMap and EICSupplyMap.

Book onto events or update your details in MyEIC

Enter your email address and password here to log in to the EIC website to be able to book onto EIC events, or access the new MyEIC section to update your personal and business details, mailing preferences, and access your invoices.

Login checkbox

Forgotten your password?

Reset your password here.

Please note it must be more than 7 characters in length and not be one you have previously used.

Create an account

Create an EIC website account here.

Create an account on the EIC website to book onto events and update your details and mailing preferences.

Access the EIC's member-only databases

Visit the dedicated EICDataStream, EICAssetMap and EICSupplyMap login page to access the EIC's suite of market intelligence databases.

Not a member of the EIC?

Enquire about EIC membership here.

Enquire about membership and book a demo with one of our Membership Managers.