AMS Nuclear Engineering Ltd is a company specialising in the design and build of Control and Instrumentation (C&I) based systems exclusively for the nuclear industry. Operating out of brand-new engineering and workshop facilities in the Southwest of the UK, AMS is able to provide the full project lifecycle of C&I engineering services, from specification development and concept design, through to detail design, design substantiation, build, test and commissioning. With more than 20 years’ experience serving the nuclear industry, AMS’ SQEP engineering and workshop teams are able to support clients across the whole nuclear sector.
Electrical & Instrumentation, Equipment Manufacture, Engineering Consultants, Engineering Consultants (pre-FEED/FEED), Equipment Qualification
Barrnon is a UK-based, specialist engineering company, providing exceptional turnkey solutions to address some of the world’s most challenging environmental threats. We specialise in robotic engineering solutions for harsh environments – including the decommissioning of some of the most prominent historic nuclear facilities.
Decommissioning; Equipment Manufacture; Inspection Services; Machinery/Plant Design and Manufacture; Nuclear Waste Sludge Handing and Disposal; Hazardous Environment Remote Access; Laser Cutting; Virtual Reality Robot Control.
Berry & Escott Ltd is a reputable engineering firm known for its expertise in providing innovative solutions across various industries since 1986. With a strong commitment to quality and cutting-edge technology, the company excels in delivering engineering, design, and manufacturing services. Berry & Escott Ltd.'s scope in fabrication and machining is enhanced by a unique application of 3d scanning. With a foundation of reliability and a track record of delivering exceptional results, Directors Lee Berry and Chris Escott are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of engineering to meet the evolving needs of their clients and industries they serve.
Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power
3D Scanning; Design Works; Engineering Consultants; Engineering Support; Environmental Products; Environmental Services; Installation; Onsite Reactive Works; Pipework; Scanning; Steel Fabrication; Structural Steel
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BS&B Safety Systems Ltd is recognised worldwide as a leading supplier of Pressure Safety Management for the oil and gas industry. The company's innovation spans over 90 years with product ranges in Rupture Disk Devices, Custom Engineered Products, Industrial Explosion Protection, Specialty Valves, Flame Arresters, Breather Vents and Safety Relief Valves. From its many global manufacturing locations, BS&Bs diversity of business ranges from directional drilling system suppliers to outer space, and everywhere in between. BS&B leads in design, quality and manufacturing capability, and above all, innovation.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage, Geothermal, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Safety Equipment, Equipment Manufacture, Safety Systems, Vessel Support/Supply, Pressure Safety Management: Rupture Disk Devices, Custom Engineered Products, Industrial Explosion Protection, Specialty Valves, Flame Arresters, Breather Vents and Safety Relief Valves.
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CCL provides bespoke recruitment and workforce solutions across the energy, civil, manufacturing, and automotive tech sectors. Services include recruitment, payroll, project mobilisation, and HR services across the globe.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Recruitment, Staffing, Human Resources, Multicurrency Payroll, Global Mobility, Work Permitting/Visa Administration
Centronic is a world leading manufacture of detector solutions for photonic, electromagnetic and ionisation radiation applications. Since 1945, we have been supplying products to a diverse international customer base, ranging from nuclear to laboratory analytical equipment, aerospace to oil welling, cutting edge research to health physics, among many more. We produce a comprehensive range of Silicon Photodiodes, Geiger-Muller Tubes and Electromagnetic Components, as well as gas filled detectors such as Proportional Counters, Ionisation Chambers and Fission Chambers. With a multi-disciplined engineering team and in-house Precision Machining capability, we are also able support our customers with bespoke and build-to-print solutions, covering features such as specialist assemblies, metal-to-ceramic interfaces, cabling and terminations. With an in-depth understanding of quality standards for highly regulated industries, and a significant catalogue of products, Centronic offers a unique and unparalleled capability for our Customers.
Ancillary Equipment; Electrical & Instrumentation; Electro-Mechanical Equipment; Equipment Manufacture
EthosEnergy turns on potential to deliver services and solutions globally for rotating equipment to make energy affordable, available and sustainable. A unique combination of partnership and service quality, backed by a proven track record of operations, maintenance, engineered solutions and asset optimization. With experience in over 100 countries, EthosEnergy works with customers to provide competitive reliability, improve performance and reduce total cost of ownership across the value chain.
Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Generators; Independent Service Provider; Parts and Equipment; Repairs; Steam Turbine; Steam Turbine Blades; Transformer; Turbines; Turbine Blades, Turbine Maintenance
FIS360 Ltd is an independent and internationally-leading technology commercialisation partner. We have an exceptional reputation for designing and delivering innovation programmes and for helping clients through the challenges of technology commercialisation. We work nationally and internationally with large corporates, small to medium enterprises (SMEs), academia, and public sector bodies, exploring technology transfer across sectors and extracting the maximum value from new concepts. We designed and have delivered Game Changers, the UK’s leading nuclear innovation programme, since 2016. We have connected challenge owners with solution providers as part of nearly 250 innovation projects that help to solve complex decommissioning challenges.
Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave), Electricity and Gas Transmission, Water Companies
Decommissioning, Finance, Project Management, Technology Commercialisation Partner, Technology Licensor
Hydrobolt Group specialises in Special fasteners to print, First Level fasteners, Quality grade 1 fasteners, machined components operating with a zero defects mindset, right first-time mentality and Nuclear safety & security culture.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Manufacturing Special Fasteners; Bolting and Machined Components
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iSH brings together the cutting edge, world class nuclear capability that exists in West Cumbria and raises its visibility to the international community. We seek partnerships and opportunities for the engineering businesses of West Cumbria to collaborate with businesses from other countries to work together and solve the world’s most challenging problems. We seek to help West Cumbria diversify across broader sectors and attract new markets to the region for our businesses’ products and services. We are also here to help international organisations interested in becoming involved in the activities and opportunities in West Cumbria. We are also developing a national centre of excellence on a campus in West Cumbria, where we will offer access to facilities and equipment that help businesses to innovate and grow. Capability is ultimately about our people, so iSH is also working with local organisations to enable further training and upskilling of West Cumbria’s population on the employment pathway, addressing gaps and rebalancing the economy.
Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Business Development, Training, Equipment Manufacture, Engineering Support,
As a dynamic global business we apply our materials and applications engineering expertise to the design and manufacture of high performance sealing and joint integrity systems for critical applications across virtually every industrial sector. Our customers tell us that what sets us apart from our competitors is that we have the people and expertise to make things happen and what they value the most is the capability for their own people to access that expertise face to face - the fact that their own engineers are able to collaborate and develop solutions to the sealing and joint integrity challenges they face - Expert to Expert.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Design and manufacture of critical seals in elastomers, metals & plastics; Nuclear industry approved Shieldseal elastomers for use in valves, pumps, waste containers and door seals; Tension measuring fasteners for critical applications; Seals for waste and fuel containment, storage and transportation flasks plus glove boxes.
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McMenon Engineering’s site in Workington, Cumbria, UK, has a track record of 75 years experience of manufacturing industrial measurement instrumentation and has developed into a world-class facility for the design and manufacture of flow and temperature measurement products supplying to more than 60 countries globally. Providing quality engineered UK-manufactured specialist product solutions, McMenon supplies a range of industries including water, renewables, nuclear, energy, chemicals, aerospace, defence and food and beverage. McMenon also offers contract engineering and manufacturing services which includes ISO 3834 certified welding management systems, well-equipped CNC machines to manufacture quality components and calibration and testing services.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Electrical & Instrumentation, Drilling and Well Equipment Design and Manufacture, Project Management, Subsea Design and Manufacture.
Mott MacDonald is a global engineering, management and development consultancy. Our dedicated multidisciplinary team has the all-round skills to deliver engineering projects within the nuclear decommissioning and new build sector. We manage and develop conceptual engineering solutions and provide end-user focused designs covering every aspect of nuclear engineering to deliver world-class safety, environmental, technical and security performance.
Hydrogen, Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Civil Engineering, Decommissioning, Engineering Consultants, Project Management, Electrical, Control and Instrumentation, Structural Design, Seismic Analysis, Commercial Advisory, Aircraft Impact Assessment, Waste Management, Safety Case, Geotechnical Design and Analysis, Technical Advisory
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The Nuclear Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre helps companies win work across the nuclear sector. The centre's engineers and sector specialists work with companies to develop innovative techniques and optimised processes for large-scale high-precision manufacturing.
The Nuclear AMRC provides a range of supply chain development support to help manufacturers enter the nuclear market and compete worldwide. The Fit For Nuclear programme is a unique diagnostic tool which lets companies measure their operations against industry requirements and close any gaps.
The Nuclear AMRC is backed by industry leaders and government, and owned by the University of Sheffield and is part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.
Business Development
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The NIA is the trade association for the UK’s civil nuclear industry. We support over 280 member companies across the supply chain to ensure more nuclear power is deployed across the country for a safer, cleaner future; one which is better for industry and the environment.
Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Business Development
A bespoke service that supports nuclear inward investment into Somerset and Bristol. The team at Nuclear South West provide a single point of entry to investors requiring information and support to relocate to the South West region of the UK. Providing access to key stakeholders across local authorities, commercial property, training, skills and innovation. Wrap-around support is on-hand to ensure smooth and successful transitions into the region.
Nuclear, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Business Development, Inward Investment Support
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Nuclear Transport Solutions is part of the UK's Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient clean-up of the UK's nuclear legacy. Our work involves a range of activities including transporting spent fuel from UK power stations to Sellafield, the return of reprocessing products to overseas customers and packaging and licensing support to the NDA group and international stakeholders. We are responsible for developing an overview of all transport activities required to deliver the NDA mission and we use our world leading expertise to provide nuclear transport solutions for range of customers in the UK and overseas.
NTS supports the global nuclear market by providing standalone or end-to-end solutions to nuclear transport and logistics challenges. We are problem solvers specialising in: Transport and logistics consultancy; Package design and licensing; Nuclear shipping, rail and road operations; Criticality and shielding; Security, resilience, legal, and communications support.
The leading global provider for safe and secure nuclear transport solutions – transport of all types of nuclear material by rail, road and sea supported by extensive capabilities in criticality and shielding; cyber security; Engineering / design and licensing of new packages and ancillary equipment; nuclear legal and communications expertise, security and resilience – and overall transport and logistics consultancy.
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Since 1981, Oakwood has been an engineering consultancy that empowers clients worldwide to shape the future of the built environment. Our expertise in the use of 3D BIM models enables Oakwood to offer services which help increase information quality, reduce risk and enhance performance. Oakwood’s team, which is made up entirely of construction professionals, has a wealth of industry experience which provides the technical understanding of complex interfaces inherent in construction projects. We specialise in delivering pioneering solutions, particularly in the nuclear sector, including Strategic Digital Planning, 3D Design Coordination, Advanced 4D Programming, 3D BIM Modelling and Asset Information Management.
Nuclear, Oil & Gas, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Engineering Consultants, Digital Services/Data Monitoring, 4D Engineering, Building Information Modelling
PAR Systems (UK) Ltd is an advanced engineering company specialising in remote/material handling systems, manipulator systems for in-cell operations and decommissioning applications in the nuclear industry. PAR is also a specialist provider of high integrity cranes and lifting systems. PAR Systems (UK) Ltd is a UK Based SME, capable of delivering a fully rounded package of Nuclear Engineering. PAR Systems’ ability and willingness to provide maintenance to equipment in radiological environments sets them apart from many other companies and helps to deliver lifetime support to their customers. Services include: Remote Handling and robotics; Nuclear Crane systems & Nuclear Engineering.
Auxiliary Equipment, Electro-Mechanical Equipment, Engineering Support, Equipment Manufacture, Maintenance, Refurbishment, Upgrade, Spares and Obsolescence Management of Nuclear Remote Handling Equipment (cranes, manipulators and robotics), Trials, testing and training on nuclear handling equipment.
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The Department for Business and Trade is the UK Government's department for economic growth. We support businesses to invest, grow and export, creating jobs and opportunities across the country. We offer our expertise and guidance through an extensive network of export advisers with hubs around the world to assist new and experience exporters. Come along to our stand to learn more about the support we can provide and speak to specialists about opportunities in the industry.
Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage, Hydrogen, Nuclear, Power, Renewables (incl. Onshore Wind, Offshore Wind, Solar, Tidal/Wave)
Business Development
Urenco is an international supplier of uranium enrichment services, fuel cycle products and related solutions with sustainability at the core of our business. Operating in a pivotal area of the nuclear fuel supply chain for over 50 years, we understand the importance of energy security and facilitate the reliable delivery of low carbon electricity generation for consumers around the world. Urenco’s global presence ensures diversity and security of supply for customers through enrichment facilities in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and the USA. We are committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2040.
Industrial Gases; Lifesaving; Decommissioning; Nuclear Stewardship; Stable Isotopes; Uranium Enrichment Services and Fuel Cycle Products
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X-energy is a nuclear reactor and fuel design engineering company. X-energy develops Generation IV high-temperature gas cooled nuclear reactors and the TRISO-X fuel to power them.
Machinery/plant design and manufacture, Fuel Manufacturer
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