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EIC LIVE e-vent: An Audience with Sellafield Ltd

01 Sep 2021
All companies
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About the Event

Sellafield has been nearly 80 years in the making. A pioneer for the UK’s nuclear industry, it supported national defence, generated electricity for nearly half a century, and developed the ability to safely manage nuclear waste.
Sellafield Ltd are planning a tender competition for the Operations, Maintenance and Management (OM&M) for The Fellside Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHPP). 
The CHPP is a gas-fired power plant located adjacent to the Sellafield Ltd nuclear site in West Cumbria, North West England.
Built in 1993, the plant produces critical process steam to the Sellafield Ltd site as well as exporting electricity to the National Grid as a secondary role. The CHPP is now an ageing facility operating beyond its design life.
Sellafield Ltd is currently engaged in a detailed review of the future operations and management of the Fellside site prior to conducting a tender competition. EIC have partnered with Sellafield Ltd to offer a high-level webinar for suppliers where the proposed service delivery options will be outlined and market interest will be tested.
Sellafield are inviting suppliers with appropriate experience and capability of operating and maintaining a similar site such as the Fellside Combined Heat and Power Plant and/or organisations who have previous experience of OM&M of industrial gas-powered turbines and steam generation.  

Depending upon the final duration of the agreement, the estimated contract spend is likely to be in the range of £80-100M (over a term of 6-8 years). Sellafield will likely be seeking a single entity to manage the OM&M of the Fellside CHPP and therefore would like to  engage with suppliers who  have the necessary capability and knowledge.

Sellafield have recently issued a Prior Information Notice (PIN) on the UK Government’s Find a Tender Service. This PIN further outlines the scope of the OM&M procurement. Further details can also be found on Sellafield Ltd's CTM procurement portal and at the following link HERE. Please review this notice to ensure suitability of attendance.

In summary, Sellafield Ltd is intending to compete the OM&M requirements for the Fellside site post 2025. Sellafield Ltd would like to engage in with potential suppliers to seek open feedback in order to gain insight into the optimum operational and contracting strategies of the following options:

1. A 6-year contract, starting October 2024 and terminating October 2030, for OM&M of CHPP.
2. A 6-year contract starting October 2024 with a 2-year option to extend until October 2032, for OM&M of CHPP up to 2030 and boiler only operations up to 2032
3. A 6-year contract starting October 2024 with 2 2-year options to extend until October 2034 for OM&M of CHPP up to 2030 and boiler only operations up to 2034

The Event will:
Inform suppliers how to access opportunities in the supply chain and provide an overview of the types of suppliers Sellafield Ltd are looking for;
Provide potential suppliers with a brief overview of Sellafield plans for the CHPP and the opportunity for an open Q&A session, and;
Allow suppliers to provide feedback on Sellafield’s plans for the CHPP and advise how to engage further.

Who is the event aimed at?
Organisations with the relevant experience and capability in Operating, Management and Maintenance of industrial gas-powered turbines and steam generation facilities, similar to that of Sellafield’s CHPP.
Any supplier who can help us to achieve our mission safer, with pace and added value. 



Event Details
Date: Wednesday 1 September 2021
Time:  10:00 - 11:30 (UK time)
Cost: Free of charge.

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For any questions regarding this event, please contact the organiser.
Caitlin Henderson
Operations Events Executive, UK & Europe
EIC UK Events